Friday, 25 May 2007
Rječnik bilja
Karavla Rječnik bilja je jedinstveno botaničko leksikografsko djelo na hrvatskom jeziku. U ovom su djelu svaki rod i svaka vrsta obilježeni autorom, što je osobito važno za botaničare i one koji se botanikom bave kad trebaju obilježiti više vrsta imenom autora radi razlikovanja svojti. Isto je tako važno istaknuti da su pojedine vrste označene i istoznačnicama i da je svaki rod obilježen uobičajnim hrvatskim imenom ako postoji, a ako se radi o rodu koji nema htvatskog imena, dano je transkribirano latinsko ime na hrvatskom. Osim toga je uz svaku vrstu doneseno područje njene rasptostranjenosti i za neke naziv na engleskom, njemačkom ili ruskom jeziku. To su vrijedni podaci, osobito kad se radi o stranim rodovima i vrstama koji postupno prodiru k nama bilo kao uresne biljke bilo kao korisne vrste ili pak preko literature.
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Friday, May 25, 2007
Encyclopedia of flowers and plants indexed by botanical and common name from around the world. Without plants there could be no life on Earth. Plants play the most important part in the cycle of nature. Plants are a major group of living things.
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Friday, May 25, 2007
Dictionary of plants
This comprehensive dictionary of plants is probably the most complete botanic reference e-book and is ideal for any person interested in botany, dendrology and horticulture. All plants included in this dictionary are indexed by their scientific name, authors name, common name and name of the family to which they belong as well as their country of origin.
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Friday, May 25, 2007
eBook dictionary
This comprehensive dictionary of plants is probably the most complete botanic reference e-book and is ideal for any person interested in botany, dendrology and horticulture. All plants included in this dictionary are indexed by their scientific name, authors name, common name and name of the family to which they belong as well as their country of origin.
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Friday, May 25, 2007